Here you will find the best and useful Salkantay Trek Packing list, you will check if you are bringing what really you will need in the trek and avoid to bring more than you need in your backpack.
In this list we will show what you need and what for.
Keep in mind that almost all the treks in Cusco (more than 1 day) that arrive at Machu Picchu need this kind of things, such as the Inca Trail, Lares Trek, Inca Jungle, Rainbow Mountain and Humantay.

What you need to bring for Salkantay Trekking?
- ORIGINAL Passport.
- 2 bags, 1 daypack and 1 large backpack to store everything else. Your guides will carry up to 5 kilos per day, so if you have 2 packages, you can distribute the weight fairly easily and only keep in you what you need.
- 1 sleeping bag – which is needed….. it’s certainly very cold at night, so we recommend a bag that can handle -10 degrees Celsius.
- Hiking boots. When you walk as much as you do on the walk, and cross waterfalls, and go up and down mountains, additional support and coverage can really be a lifesaver.
- 5 pairs of underwear, 6 pairs of socks. It’s good to have an extra pair of socks to change into at night when you’re not trekking. Also, we recommend bringing very heavy trekking socks and lighter socks. The weather is everywhere, so make sure you don’t get too cold or overheated.
- 2 pairs of long underwear, 1 super thick, 1 medium weight capeline, which is perfect.
- 2 pairs of pants, 1 walk, 1 cotton, which is enough. Please spray both pairs with an insect repellent and spray the clothes before the trip.
- 2 T-shirts, 2 long-sleeved shirts. Currently you will be staying in a hostel in the town of Machupicchu and you will surely have a long shower, and you will need 01 more t-shirt for your day in Machupicchu.
- 1 hooded sweatshirt, 1 fleece jacket, 1 stratified fleece shirt, 1 vest, these items will be good for a cold person. Other people on the walk will definitely get away with less layers, layers help.
- 1 rain jacket, 1 winter/heat jacket. The first night the temperature can be -10 degrees Celsius and the second day is climbed near a snow-covered mountain, so the big coat is essential. The rain jacket can be useful, because there are rainy days (even if it is a dry season!).
- 1 Cocoon sleeping bag lining. It’s super light and easy to pack, and it definitely does its job.
- Sandwiches, chewing gum and pills, which are necessary. The trip is long and we don’t make many pauses. So if you have a bar or some nuts in your backpack, they will help you move on.
- EFFECTIVE – Few places in Peru accept credit cards, and in the mountains, you won’t find an ATM. About 500 soles, and we would recommend you bring at least that in case something goes wrong or you need help.
- The air is cold and humid, so your nose is going to run a lot. Everyone seemed to run out of handkerchiefs at the end of the walk. Also, most bathrooms don’t have toilet paper (if you have a bathroom), so wet wipes are the key.
- 1 bathing suit, which was very helpful. The third and fourth nights are near the hot springs, so if you plan to go, bring one. Many people bring towels, but you don’t need them. You can rent towels at the hostel or at the hot springs for 1 or 2 suns, which frees up a lot of space in the backpack.
- 1 beautiful pair of flip-flops, you can use them in the hot springs and in the hostel shower.
- Toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. -that you need, but light packing. You’re going to be dirty and disgusting, so you don’t need shampoo and soap and all that. Pack the day to day as a minimum.
- Spray against insects with 30% DEET on it, which you need, but it doesn’t work very well in Peru. The problem with Salkantay is that most insects are not mosquitoes. It’s these little flies that you can’t even see and that leave strange bites that first look like you’ve pricked your finger, and then explode into red bumps that bite. Unfortunately, these insects seem to bite you no matter what kind of spray you wear.
- A headlamp, which is useful. If you don’t have one, at least bring a small flashlight.
- A camera….. to take the best pictures when you are in Peru.
- Iron tablets and pills for altitude sickness. Several people in the walk have different degrees of altitude sickness, and both remedies (in addition to coca tea) are very useful for relieving symptoms.
- An alarm clock. You don’t need it, but there are many early morning calls, and on the last day to get to Machu Picchu, you need to wake up on your own. Also, the guide talks a lot (he meets at 6, dinner at 7, etc.) so it would be nice to have a watch.
- Sunscreen, there are days when the sun gets very hot.
- Imodium AD or something for your stomach. Some people have stomach upset at one o’clock in the walk, with 8-10 hours of walking each day, you need to overcome anything the day presents you quickly, so bring some medications.